INEOS Nitriles has confirmed its first ever sale of its proprietary bio-based Acetonitrile INVIREO, a product necessary for the production of many pharmaceuticals.
INVIREO Acetonitrile is produced using a controlled and certified (ISCC+) mass balance route which allows the company to offer customers products with the same performance as conventionally produced acetonitrile, but with a 90% reduction in their carbon footprint.
Gordon Adams, Business Director for INEOS Nitriles and INEOS Phenol businesses said: “Our new bio-based acetonitrile has the potential to significantly cut the carbon footprint of pharmaceutical products, which are essential to our everyday lives and healthcare. Pharma is an energy-intensive industry, so companies that use our acetonitrile can deliver an immediate cut in their carbon footprint.”
Overall, acetonitrile's versatility as a high purity solvent and chemical intermediate makes it indispensable in numerous processes, ranging from pharmaceutical manufacturing and analytical chemistry to battery technology and organic synthesis.
Many pharmaceutical molecules are synthesised in solvents, and acetonitrile's unique properties make it essential for this purpose.