ABPI appoints first Northern Ireland director

Colette Goldrick joins the association and Senior Leadership Team

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has appointed Colette Goldrick as its new Northern Ireland Director and as a member of the ABPI Senior Leadership Team.

Goldrick has a long history of working in senior roles in the pharmaceutical industry. Her career includes eight years at Glaxo in its public affairs and communications team, rising to head of communications. She also spent nine years at Pfizer in various capacities – head of communications, corporate affairs director and head of public affairs and policy for Pfizer Europe. In her last role at Pfizer she led a team of 30, responsible for corporate reputation, policy development, government relations and communications strategy as well as overseeing the work of a significant corporate affairs team across the EU.

Marion Laverty will provide office management to support Goldrick in her new role.

Stephen Whitehead, chief executive of the ABPI, said: ‘I am delighted that we have secured such a strong talent in Colette to build and lead the ABPI in Northern Ireland. The ABPI believes that Northern Ireland represents a significant opportunity for the bio-pharmaceutical industry in terms of the growing life science agenda, arising from world class capability at Queen‘s University Belfast, the University of Ulster and the Science Park.’

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