Abzena expands its quality control testing capacity at its San Diego biologics facility

Published: 31-Oct-2024

The CDMO can now perform quality control product biologics testing separately to utility and environmental testing, reducing the risk of cross-contamination

Abzena has expanded its quality control testing capabilities at its San Diego, CA biologics development and cGMP manufacturing site.

The novel laboratory space allow Abzena to better serve its clients, with expanded capabilities in rapid microbiology release testing.

This expansion is part of the company's broader strategy to streamlining the biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing process.

Abzena's new microbiology lab was built to separate product testing from all other testing protocols carried out at the site — allowing the company to better adhere to industry and regulatory standards. 

According to the company, its new design will offer superior operational efficiency and improved scalability, while also minimising environmental impact.

The laboratory space will segregate product microbiological testing from utility and environmental microbiological testing, minimising the risk of cross contamination.

SVP and San Diego Site Head, Sean O’Brien said: “Our new QC testing laboratory is a significant milestone for our San Diego site and a further addition to Abzena’s global laboratory network. This expansion enhances our ability to provide state-of-the art analytical services that continue to drive progress in testing and report development for our customers."

"We look forward to working with our customers and partners to advance the frontiers of medical knowledge and to provide the highest-quality testing services to people around the world.”

Troy Wright, Abzena's SVP & Global Head of Quality,Troy Wright, added: “This announcement comes at a very timely moment with World Quality Month quickly approaching. As an organisation focused on quality excellence, increasing our QC footprint is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement, and innovation."

"This expansion provides even greater sample integrity in the management of our microbiological testing capabilities. We are now positioned to deliver faster results and better support for our customer network, ultimately providing quality and compliant products to patients around the world.”

[Image credit: Graham Taylor] 

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