AMRI separates role of Chairman and CEO

Appoints William Marth as Chairman with Thomas D’Ambra as CEO

AMRI’s Board of Directors has voted to separate the role of Chairman and Chief Executive and has appointed William Marth as Chairman.

Thomas D'Ambra has held this position since the company's founding. D'Ambra continues as a member of the Board of Directors, President and CEO.

Marth joined the AMRI Board, which also includes Veronica Jordan, Gabriel Leung, Kevin O'Connor, Arthur Roth and Una Ryan, in 2012.

Formerly President and Chief Executive of Teva Americas, a role from which he retired in 2012, Marth was previously President and Chief Executive of Teva North America from January 2008 to June 2010 and prior to that was President and Chief Executive of Teva USA. He was also previously Executive Vice President and Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Teva USA.

He brings to his new role global experience in strategic planning, IR, R&D, supply chain and regulatory issues.

Prior to joining Teva USA, Marth held various positions with the Apothecon division of Bristol-Myers Squibb.

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