Canadian and UK biotech bodies build cross-Atlantic co-operation

Published: 1-Jul-2011

Both BIOTECanada and the BIA hope for economic benefits from new collaboration

The UK BioIndustry Association (BIA) and BIOTECanada, the association representing the bioscience industries in Canada, have agreed to work together to increase opportunities for companies. The two trade associations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the BIO 2011 Convention in Washington that aims to strengthen collaboration between the biotechnology sectors in the two nations.

These two nations have a history of collaboration in many sectors. Recognising the biotechnology industry as an economic driver of our current and future economy, great benefits exist in a strategic partnership between the UK and Canada.

Peter Brenders, president and ceo of BIOTECanada, said: ‘Having the opportunity to develop a partnership with BIA will allow us to offer BIOTECanada member companies new business leads. We look forward to building this relationship, and watching how our member companies prosper from the arrangement in years to come.’

Nigel Gaymond, BIA chief executive, said: ‘This collaboration recognises the significance of the Canadian biotech sector and its potential for partnerships between our members and BIOTECanada’s members.’

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