Catalent expert to chair USP committee

Mary Foster will lead USP Packaging, Storage and Distribution Expert Committee

Mary Foster, Catalent’s vice president of quality, has been elected chair of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Packaging, Storage and Distribution Expert Committee for 2010–2015.

The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP-NF) is the US legally recognised standards compendium for drugs, drug products and dietary supplements. As the committee chair, Dr Foster’s responsibilities will include the creation of new standard USP General Chapters as well as the revision of current standard general chapters.

The initial focus of the Committee will be development of standards to guide the pharmaceutical industry in the following subject matter: supply chain – inclusive of drug pedigrees and anti-counterfeiting; testing for extractables and leachables; and testing of glass, plastic and metal container closure systems.

The Committee will continue the work on current chapters under revision such as General Chapter <1079> Good Storage and Transportation Practices.

Foster is also a member of the USP Advisory Panel for bulk pharmaceutical excipients.

‘I am committed to creating a collaborative environment as this new expert committee works through the process of developing standard practices and guidance on important topics involving the life cycle of drug products,’ said Foster.

Foster’s nomination follows the nomination of Stephen Tindal, director, Softgel Formulation & Operations for Catalent, to the USP Advisory Panel on Liquid Filled Gelatin Capsules.

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