Former Chairman and CEO of Bayer France joins Neovacs

Miguel Sieler replaces Guy-Charles Fanneau De La Horie

Neovacs, a French biotechnology company focused on active immunotherapies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, has named Miguel Sieler, formerly Chairman and Chief Executive of Bayer France, as Chief Executive. He will replace Guy-Charles Fanneau De La Horie.

Neovacs is developing Kinoids, which activate a patient’s immune system to neutralise the deregulation involved in the development of his/her disease. The firm aims to make Kinoids the next-generation treatment for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s Disease and lupus.

Neovacs is currently concentrating its R&D efforts on two immunotherapies in three severe indications: TNF-Kinoid in RA and Crohn’s Disease and IFNα-Kinoid in Lupus.

Sieler joined Bayer in 1975 for an international career which started at the group headquarters in Germany. He served in various senior management positions in Brussels and Sao Paulo before becoming President of Bayer in Korea, followed by four years as CEO of Bayer Pharma France.

In 1998, Sieler became Chairman and CEO of the Bayer Group in France until his retirement in 2008. He is also a member of the board of Nexity and Chairman of Wittycell, a French biotechnology company dedicated to the development of innovative vaccine adjuvants.

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