BioPh India 2010 – Bio Solutions for Pharma

Published: 7-Jun-2010

BioPh India will be launched at this year\'s India 2010 event

The Bio Solutions for Pharma  event was first launched at the 2009 Europe show. BioPh India will now be launched at this year's India 2010 event.

Biotechnology has become the innovation engine for the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Big Pharma has always  represented a major source of funding for ‘little biotech' and in the past that has often been mostly about biotechnology companies needing seed money and operating cash.

Now it is more about pharmaceutical companies needing new innovations to feed their own pipelines. On the biotech side, advances in genomics, proteomics and other biotech research continue to bring about not only new drug molecules but also whole new therapeutic classes such as gene and cell therapies. Big Pharma is looking at biotech to infuse its own pipelines with more innovation.

All companies and organizations dealing with the research and development of new treatment methods made through biotechnological processes or which are derived from or use live organisms will benefit from the mix of exhibition, seminars and meeting possibilities at BioPh India 2010.

Offering a perfect synergy between its sister events ICSE India (The International Contract Services Expo), P-MEC India (The Machinery and Equipment Convention) and its big sister CPhI India (Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients) - BioPh Europe 2010 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre will offer you unrivalled networking and commercial opportunities in the world of drug research and manufacturing. Register for free now.

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