Striving for excellence: How we ranked in the top 35% of sustainable companies

Published: 7-Aug-2024

BioPharma Dynamics’ commitment to sustainable practices has been recognised in our recent evaluation by EcoVadis, a trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. Positioning us among the top 35% of companies worldwide

Our rating has earned us a Bronze Medal, demonstrating our progress towards sustainability. Furthermore, the EcoVadis process validates our sustainability commitments, practices and performance while also providing a clear roadmap for how we can continue to improve over time. 

What is an EcoVadis sustainability rating? 

The EcoVadis assessment evaluates 21 sustainability criteria across four core themes: Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. 

EcoVadis’ business sustainability ratings are based on international sustainability standards such as the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and the ISO 26000 standard. The ratings provide an evidence-based analysis of performance and an actionable roadmap for continuous improvement.

Following the EcoVadis evaluation, Quality Manager Nazia Ahmed discussed the importance of this achievement for BioPharma Dynamics: 

“Our decision to monitor and evaluate our sustainable practices reflects our commitment to our customers, colleagues, and the environment. Allowing us to address ethical, environmental, labour, and human rights risks that are critical to our customers, in addition to those covered by our ISO 14001 Standard Certification.” 

"We are proud to be ranked in the top 35% of companies worldwide and the entire team has worked hard to earn this recognition. The review process highlighted our strengths, as well as areas we will focus on in the coming months to strengthen our sustainable commitment. 

Furthering our sustainable practices 

BioPharma Dynamics continually strives to operate in an environmentally conscious way. Taking steps to minimise carbon emissions in the transportation of goods, along with raising awareness about reducing and recycling waste on site. 

As part of our ongoing commitment, we vow to address the impact of the wider supply chain on our sustainable practices by reviewing supplier policies. Further committing to only selecting sustainably responsible vendors moving forward. 

BioPharma Dynamics will also be launching a community outreach programme to support local charities and environmental initiatives. This will align with our values of giving back and making a positive impact beyond our everyday business operations.

Nurturing an inclusive workplace 

As a company, we have a firm commitment to operating with diversity, equality and inclusion at the heart of our practices. An area that has been evidenced in staff feedback, alongside our positive EcoVadis score. 

We intend to increase our Corporate Social Responsibility efforts in this area by introducing diversity, equity and inclusion training programme in Q2 of 2024. 

As part of our commitment to society, our people, and the environment, BioPharma Dynamics will continue to complete a thorough assessment of its business sustainability practices every year through EcoVadis.

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