Carbogen Amcis to axe 60 jobs in restructure

Published: 24-Feb-2011

Blames poor financial performance

A lower than expected financial performance and adverse currency movement have led Switzerland-based Carbogen Amcis to restructure its operations with the loss of 60 jobs.

The pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, has advised its employees and the authorities of its plans for operations in Bubendorf, Aarau and Hunzenschwil (Neuland).

The company said has been forced to take this step owing to the ‘inadequate profitability’ brought about by the strong Swiss franc and the ‘delayed effects of the financial crisis’.

The company currently employs around 350 people in Switzerland. It also has an operation in Manchester, UK.

The planned restructuring of the company will allow the Aarau site to focus more strongly on development and the Hunzenschwil (Neuland) site on the pilot production of early phase projects. Large-volume production and the manufacturing of highly active agents will continue at the Bubendorf plant.

‘This concentration of the areas of responsibility will mean that approximately 60 persons will need to be made redundant,’ the company said.

Earlier this week, Carbogen Amcis said it was strengthening manpower at Hunzenschwil to meet customer demand and has installed new stability chambers at the plant. As far as possible, employees will be offered equivalent positions in Switzerland.

‘During the transition we will direct our focus towards attending to customer demand and providing our customers with consistently high service,’ said Jay Vyas, managing director of Carbogen Amcis’ owner Dishman.

‘The restructuring allows Carbogen Amcis to be prepared for the future as a sustainably successful organisation. The restructured company will have potential for growth and the ability to adapt itself to a changing market situation.’

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