Fostering the development of innovative medicines

Published: 27-Mar-2013

Confidence in the pharma sector seems to be picking up, with higher drug approvals in the US, M&A activity increasing and opportunities in emerging markets. However, healthcare reforms and pricing pressures are driving the industry to improve productivity and gain a better knowledge of disease mechanisms at the molecular level. Data sharing and collaborative projects seem to be the way forward

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The Pharma Summit 2013, held in London in February, went back to basics and discussed new investment models, data integration, early stage funding and the potential of open innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Jane Ellis reports.

Emerging from under the patent cliff, Big Pharma is still suffering from the burden of tighter regulation and reduced healthcare budgets, while investors are seeing declining growth and returns. The Pharma Summit 2013 – Back to Basics: The Real Business of Pharma, organised by The Economist Group, discussed how the industry is dealing with these problems.

Liz Shanahan, Global Head of Healthcare and Life Sciences at FTI Consulting, looked at the changing relationship between Big Pharma and investors. She said US$133bn of sales were lost to the patent cliff between 2009 and 2012, and pipelines are thin, but there are opportunities and investor confidence in funding R&D is returning.

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