Rephine announces symposium in January specialising on GMP and GCP

Published: 11-Dec-2019

There is limited space, so please confirm your attendance at the earliest opportunity

Rephine will be hosting its annual complimentary GMP & GCP Symposium on 27 January 2020 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. The agenda for the event can be found below, while Rephine's website includes information on profiles speakers and short descriptions of the topics.

Register and ensure your place today. There is limited space, so please confirm your attendance at the earliest opportunity. Contact: +44 17 63 853 135 or


GCP Event

  • 9:30 - Registration
  • 10:00 - Audit of laboratories involved in clinical trials – Louise Handy
  • 10:40 - Expectations and Challenges in using Electronic Solutions in Clinical Trials – Dr. Marc E. Brooks
  • 11:10 - Coffee break
  • 11:40 - GMP auditing of IMP suppliers – Mehul Patel
  • 12:20 - Bioavailability and Bioequivalence (BA/BE) studies – Bipin Patel

Lunch Break

(provided by Rephine)
  • 13:00 - 14:00

GMP Event

  • 14:00 - Registration
  • 14:30 - Brexit: Update on the latest position in Pharmaceuticals – Dr. Rino Coladangelo
  • 15:10 - Auditing Biologicals – Damiano Papini
  • 15:50 - Coffee break
  • 16:20 - Regulatory Enforcement for Data Integrity – Gilda D’Incerti
  • 17:00 - GMP Auditing from the Manufacturer’s Perspective – Kristina Braeunig
  • 17:40 - Case Studies – Discussion

Did you know?

Rephine won the 2019 Global Generics & Biosimilars Award as 'Industry Partner of the Year'

Rephine won the 2019 Global Generics & Biosimilars Award as 'Industry Partner of the Year'

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