Partnership to deliver seamlessly integrated cellular therapy solutions

Published: 14-Feb-2018

OTTR, provider of organ transplant patient tracking software that improves the quality of patient care via workflow management, has partnered with Hemasoft, an international provider of web-based health care software with an emphasis on transfusion medicine

Interoperability between OTTR CompleteCellular and Hemasoft e-Delphyn help cellular transplant clinical teams enhance patient safety, streamline workflow, achieve seamless data exchange and improve cost efficiency.

Unique lab processes, including connectivity with medical devices, integrate with hospital systems, optimising patient care and saving time.

Features include donor selection and donor eligibility determinations, cellular collection support, component manufacturing, quality processes, inventory management, distribution, data organisation and visualisation.

“Our organisations are collectively enhancing clinical teams’ ability to deliver the best patient care and improve patient outcomes,” said Mike Donnell, MHA, co-CEO and Chief Marketing Officer of OTTR.

“By partnering with Hemasoft, we provide more comprehensive tools to streamline cellular therapy workflows.”

“We are excited to partner with OTTR to expand the functionality of each system,” said Bruno Rousselin, Hemasoft’s VP of Business Development for North America.

“Our integrated solutions save time, enhance compliance and improve electronic data sharing and accuracy.”

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