Recipharm presents Environmental Award to French professor

For his research into the sustainable use of pharmaceuticals

Swedish contract development and manufacturing organisation Recipharm is to present its Annual International Environmental Award to Professor Benoît Roig of Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP) in France on 13 December.

Recipharm’s Award is presented annually for the best environmental performance or environmental innovation within the pharmaceutical industry or academia.

The firm said through his research, Professor Roig has discovered new and valuable knowledge about the sustainable use of pharmaceuticals. He has found new techniques for environmental and health applications in the area of coupling recognition systems and detection devices. Together with his team, he has developed specific methodologies to monitor pharmaceutical pollutants in water, helping to identify and lower the presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment.

Professor Roig said the Award recognises the work of the lab and will encourage his team to continue their work in this field.

Lars Backsell, chairman of Recipharm, added: “Professor Roig’s work is an excellent example of how academic research is having a positive impact by highlighting the responsible use of pharmaceuticals in our environment.”

Previous winners of the Award are: 2010 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK; 2009 Professor Klaus Kümmerer, Freiburg University, Germany; 2008 Apoteket, Sweden.

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