Calibration standards specialist Whitehouse Scientific has unveiled a new and improved website that not only presents the latest product and applications information, but also offers the facility to purchase on-line. With an easy-to-use shopping basket and secure online payment facilities, customers can now buy direct at:
Whether calibrating a particle sizing system, or any aperture in the range 0.1 - 5,000µm, Whitehouse Scientific has a standard for every application. The company’s comprehensive range of NIST traceable polydisperse and monodisperse particle sizing standards cover all the most widely used analytical techniques including laser diffraction, the Coulter method, optical sizing, sieving and image analysis.
Whitehouse Scientific has also developed a unique method for filter cut point determination, which uses specially prepared, precision glass microspheres to challenge the filter and can measure filter efficiencies to within micron resolutions. The method uses narrow particle size distribution standards, covers pore sizes from just a few microns to over 600µm, and delivers reliable and reproducible results.
Completing the product portfolio are research grade silica microspheres, general purpose glass microspheres and general purpose basalt microspheres, all available in a variety of well-defined size ranges. Purchase online now at