Why quality control should be intimately combined with sterile product development, manufacturing and the overall product supply chain

By Kevin Robinson | Published: 16-Dec-2024

With sponsor companies increasingly needing to create and launch differentiated, stable, usable and safe injectable treatments for patients, experts at ten23 health are keen to promote the importance of integrating development and/or manufacturing with quality control services

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Dr Kevin Robinson (KSR) spoke to CEO Hanns-Christian Mahler (HCM) and Ivana Heckel (IH), Director of Quality Control, to find out more.

“The integration of formulation and process development with manufacturing (fill-finish) and testing (quality controls) combines all the elements of quality-by-design,” says Hanns-Christian.

“This holistic approach allows the systematic development and commercialisation of a sterile drug product in the most effective manner.” As an example, he explains, an appropriately developed sterile medicine will have a reduced risk of major issues during manufacturing.

“Appropriate development also facilitates better CQA (critical quality attribute) assessments. And having a combined quality control (QC) and manufacturing setup ensures adequate definition of the control strategy — from incoming material analysis to in-process-control and final product testing.

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