SÜDPACK’s greenhouse gas reduction targets validated by the SBTi

Published: 24-Apr-2024

The company aims to reduce scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 76%, as well as a 25% reduction in scope 3 emissions

SÜDPACK’s targets for reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and its carbon footprint has been successfully validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). 

Climate protection requires consistent action based on the latest findings in climate science. Therefore, in its 2030 Sustainability Strategy, the film manufacturer SÜDPACK consolidated an extensive series of measures and initiatives which aim to reduce harmful emissions in accordance with the SBTi. 

The SBTi is a joint initiative of CDP, UNGC, WRI and WWF, and has indicated that more than 5,000 companies worldwide have already pursued effective climate protection measures at a corporate level.


The path to greater sustainability

The submission of its climate targets was preceded at SÜDPACK by a comprehensive analysis of the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) of all production sites and sales offices. 

The emissions for 2021 and 2022 were recorded and evaluated, and 2021 was set as the base year for measuring progress.

When measuring emissions, both scope 1 and 2 subtypes are taken into consideration, as this allows the company to determine the emission output due to direct activities and energy requirements. 

In addition, SÜDPACK includes part of the scope 3 emission category in its analysis, since this segment accounts for approximately 90% of the total emissions for the manufacturer of high-performance films, particularly in the field of purchased goods and end-of-life disposal.

Within the scope of its net zero aim, SÜDPACK has specifically committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 76% in scope 1 & 2 by 2030. For indirect emissions, a reduction target of 25% has been set for scope 3 in the “purchased goods and services” category. 


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