Charity bike ride supports children's cause

Mine fields, armoured trucks and countless punctures didn't stop a team of keen cyclists complete a 200-mile bike ride across Israel to raise over

Mine fields, armoured trucks and countless punctures didn't stop a team of keen cyclists complete a 200-mile bike ride across Israel to raise over £2,000 for charity.

The four riders from Biotec Services International, a UK-based clinical trials supply company, were challenged by managing director Marc Weinzweig to take up the cycle ride to raise money for the Noah's Ark Appeal.

The challenge involved flying out to Israel to cycle 200 miles from the Lebanese border to Tel Aviv in three days. The riders finished the trip in Tel Aviv for the opening of Biomed 2008 - Israel's largest pharmaceutical conference.

The funds raised were presented to Derek Morgan, vice president of Noah's Ark appeal, who said the money would make "an incredible difference to the lives of many children who are currently ill".

Biotec specialises in the import, qualified person certification, labelling, assembly, storage and worldwide distribution of clinical trials supplies, including temperature sensitive biopharmaceuticals.

The team of four included Weinzweig, Matthew Lakelin, business development manager for Biotec, Alan Smith, QP consultant to Biotec and Angharad Mason, physiotherapist and marathon runner.

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