Dr Maisch validates performance of LC capillary columns with Biotech technology

Published: 23-Sep-2024

Reliable flow measurement ensures high-quality liquid chromatography solutions

Biotech Fluidics reports that renowned experts in liquid chromatography, Dr Maisch HPLC GmbH, have installed a Biotech Liquid Micro Flow Meter in their testing setup to validate the performance of all capillary columns they manufacture.

Based in the Southwest of Germany, Dr Maisch has, over the last 45 years, earned a reputation as a leading developer of high-quality standard and specialist capillary columns for HPLC and UHPLC. The company’s aim is to provide customers with its own specially developed phases to cope with the increasing demand for new HPLC columns to solve routine and the most demanding separations.

In liquid chromatography, the flow rate is an essential parameter of the fluidic system running through a capillary column, as it affects retention time and efficiency. To ensure high customer satisfaction, Dr. Maisch tests every column they manufacture to ensure that they are well packed and meet tight performance specifications. However, measuring the flow rate, especially at extremely low flow rates delivered by capillary columns, can be challenging.

Dr Maisch validates performance of LC capillary columns with Biotech technology

Johannes Maisch, CEO of Dr Maisch HPLC GmbH, explained, “To have close control of our capillary testing procedure, we installed a Biotech Liquid Micro Flow Meter in our chromatographic test system. With this reliable device, we can validate that our test system for produced capillary columns is running at the correct flow rate. Using the Liquid Micro Flow Meter, we can now monitor the flow rate continuously, and with full system control, we can validate our performance testing of individual capillary columns. We have also found that in-line solvent degassing using a Biotech Degasser is another important part of keeping the system performance at the highest level.”

For further information on high-performance LC capillary columns of any size packed with any media, please visit https://dr-maisch.com/

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