It's amazing what you can buy over the internet these days. For the bargain basement price of $9,199 you can become the proud owner of a cloning machine. The RMX 2010, which 'allows cellular fusion' was developed and manufactured by a team of Korean Raelian scientists, and is being marketed by Clonaid, the company created by Rael, founder of the Raelian Movement, to clone the first human being.
'Not only are we hoping to be the first to clone a human being, but we also want to contribute so that the cloning efforts can multiply everywhere on the planet, helping to cure all diseases and improve the human race,' said Rael.
For those unfamiliar with Raelian philosophy, one-time motor racing driver, rock musician, poet and best-selling author Rael believes that cloning will enable mankind to reach eternal life. The next step will be directly to clone an adult person without having to go through the growth process and to transfer memory and personality in this person. 'Then, we wake up after death in a brand new body just like after a good night sleep!'
In 1997 Rael decided to found UFOland, the first interpretation centre on extra-terrestrial phenomena, which features among other things the world's biggest replica of a DNA chain (26 ft high).
Building UFOland apparently took four years of work and 5,825 bales of hay.