Nanomed2020 to develop more nano-medicine products

Published: 8-Oct-2012

European Commission supports 18-month project

Nanobiotix, a Parisian biotechnology company focused on the development of oncology medicines, is to join a European Commission-funded project with other nanomedicine developers, which aims to identify key areas of nanomedicine with the aim of taking new nanomedicines into clinical practice.

The Nanomed2020 project, which aims to make Europe a centre for nanomedicine research, development and translation, started in September and will last for 18 months.

The project unites partners in the nanomedicine area in Europe, embracing roughly 200 universities, research institutes, hospitals and public health institutions, SMEs and industry organisations.

‘We are proud that we were able to receive funding for this project from the European Commission,’ said Sebastian Lange, the coordinator of this project at VDI/VDE-IT in Germany.

‘Seven renowned nanomedicine players from six European countries hope to build a pertinent European nanomedicine community involving all key players. We aim to define the resources, gaps and needs for development and implementation of nanomedicine research into marketable innovations to be used by doctors for the benefit of patients.’

Laurent Levy, ceo of Nanobiotix, added: ‘Being a leader in the nanomedicine field with therapeutic products in clinical development, we are interested to grow and mature the European environment and infrastructure for nanomedicine.

‘We will therefore contribute with our 15 years of experience in this field, our network and commercial knowledge to this project to show that nanomedicine can overcome societal challenges and has a huge economic potential through an improved and cost-effective health care.’

The Nanomed2020 project partners are VDI/VED-IT and Nanobiotix with CLINAM Foundation, Switzerland; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain; Bioanalytik Muenster, Germany; Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, Italy and SINTEF, Norway. The website will be launched soon and latest news on nanomedicine research, strategic challenges and innovation concepts will be available there.

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