New experimental techniques for organic synthesis

Published: 5-Dec-2011

Chemical synthesis beyond the round bottom flask - a review of modern technologies

Today’s researchers working in synthetic organic chemistry are under increasing pressure to discover and develop new and improved chemical reactions and processes as quickly as possible. To be successful, chemists use various techniques to build comprehensive knowledge of the reaction as they study it, understand it and adapt it for use in a wide range of industrial applications.

While analytical technologies that support the synthesis laboratory have changed dramatically, chemical synthesis itself has remained largely unchanged for over fifty years. During that time the round bottom flask has been the workhorse for the synthesis lab. But it has its drawbacks. Heating and cooling of the reaction mass can be awkward and imprecise, and maintaining a temperature set point over several hours is difficult. In many cases, synthesis steps are impossible to perform unless someone is present to supervise the reaction and repeating a synthesis is not always straightforward.

Chemists are always looking for novel ways to meet the challenges they face. Mettler Toledo has been working with chemists to develop a new line of tools to help scientists develop a greater understanding of the reactions they study, and redefine the way organic syntheses are researched and performed while maintaining their current workflow. This white paper discusses how newly developed techniques for chemical syntheses are eliminating key challenges, and introduces the concept of chemical synthesis without the traditional round bottom flask.

To download and read the full white paper please click here

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