Bst Polymerase reagents for accelerated DNA amplification

Published: 10-Mar-2021

PCR Biosystems’ range has been validated for qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid

PCR Biosystems have launched a range of IsoFast Bst Polymerase reagents for DNA and RNA amplification. Through its nucleic acid strand displacement capabilities, Bst polymerase eliminates the need for the high temperature denaturation step associated with traditional Taq enzymes. PCR says this enables faster time to result and facilitates DNA and RNA amplification in the field without specialised thermocycling equipment.

The reagents can be used for techniques including whole genome amplification, multiple displacement amplification and isothermal amplification. These techniques have applications in environmental and food pathogen testing to clinical diagnostics and next generation sequencing. Scientists performing DNA and RNA amplification using IsoFast Bst Polymerase can achieve results at sensitivities down to 3 copies of target DNA (10 fg).

The reagents have been validated for qualitative detection of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid. Combined with the reagents’ suitability for use in the field, PCR claims, this validation opens the potential for SARS-CoV-2 testing in environments such as airports, hospitals or care homes, without the need for a central laboratory, delivering results in 30 minutes and supporting initiatives for community or regular testing to safeguard public health. Sensitivities down to 12 copies of SARS-CoV-2 targets can be achieved.

“DNA and RNA amplification has been a staple technique in the scientific toolbox for more than 40 years, and with its application for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing, there has been an increased demand for rapid and reliable reagents for mass testing,” said Alex Wilson, co-founder of PCR Biosystems. “The launch of the IsoFast Bst Polymerase range aligns with our commitment to provide robust solutions to support COVID-19 testing and will continue to expand diagnostic capabilities for viruses such as Zika and Ebola long after the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The IsoFast Bst range is available in flexible formats, with 2X mix formats streamlining set up for high throughput applications and components available separately for those customers wanting to optimise the reaction for their specific needs. Furthermore, the reagents are offered with optional fluorescent dyes, facilitating real-time amplification tracking.

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