White Paper: The Effect of Cognitive Load and Habit Formation in Pharmaceutical Plant Operations

Published: 28-Nov-2018

Getting the best from your people is the theme of this white paper from Jim Morris. Jim details the effect cognitive load and habit formation have on workplace behaviour in a pharmaceutical plant operation and how you can overcome the challenges.

NSF’s pharma biotech team is committed to developing tailored programs that make a difference. We teach fundamental skills/knowledge and link these to leadership objectives such as driving down repeat deviations, simplifying SOPs or increasing the knowledge and risk awareness of first line supervisors. We deliver enjoyable, highly interactive programs that impart knowledge in a meaningful way. If there is a common thread in many of our client requests it relates to reducing variability and simplifying operations. In that vein, there are two concepts we frequently formation.

To find out more about this topic, download the following white paper

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