Roche's antiviral Xofluza reduces flu transmission in Phase III trial

Published: 19-Sep-2024

Topline results suggest that Xofluza could be used to reduce the transmission of seasonal influenza

Roche has reported promising topline results from the Phase III CENTERSTONE study, which focused on the antiviral Xofluza.

The drug, otherwise called baloxavir marboxil, exhibited an ability to reduce the transmission of the influenza virus, while also being well tolerated in those who received it.

A single dose of the therapeutic was enough to demonstrate this effect.

According to Roche, CENTERSTONE is the first study globally to show a transmission reduction benefit through an antiviral used to treat respiratory viral diseases.

This new finding adds further therapeutic potential to the drug, which is already approved for treating symptoms and preventing infections following viral exposure.

The results will be presented at the OPTIONS XII for the Control of Influenza Congress in Brisbane from the 29 September to the 2 October.

Roche’s Chief Medical Officer and Head of Global Product Development, Levi Garraway, commented: “Building on Xofluza’s established efficacy in treating and preventing influenza after exposure, this new evidence of transmission reduction represents an important advance that could help improve health outcomes at an individual and community level,”

“We look forward to discussing these data with regulatory authorities and public health organisations for influenza pandemic preparedness to bring these benefits to patients.”

Influenza is one of the most common infectious diseases, and can be very serious in more vulnerable demographics. Every year, seasonal influenza infects approximately one billion people, resulting in 650,000 deaths globally.

When a range of respiratory viruses are in circulation during the colder months, it is highly important to control the spread of this public health burden.




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