Solid performers - BOLA Stirrer Shafts

Published: 19-Jun-2024

With solid PTFE jackets combined with solid stirrer blades, BOLA Stirrer Shafts provide excellent durability and mechanical resistance

The stainless steel core provides high mechanical stability and allows a safe fixing in the agitator. Glass stirrer shafts, commonly used in laboratories are very fragile, and can break easily. Due to their solid stainless steel core, BOLA Stirrer Shafts are protected against all breaking.

Universal chemical resistance

Due to the thick PTFE-jacket, the product to be stirred is only exposed to PTFE. This assures an almost universal chemical resistance, so PTFE-jacketed stirrer shafts can be used where stirrer shafts made of PP (polypropylene), glass or stainless steel are not sufficient.

Temperature resistance of up to +250°C

Stirrer shafts made of PP (polypropylene) deform at temperatures exceeding +100°C All BOLA PTFE-jacketed stirrer shafts can be used at temperatures of up to +250°C without any negative effects on their chemical resistance.


The surfaces of glass and stainless steel stirrer shafts allow adhesion of products such as dyes and glues. BOLA PTFE Stirrer Shafts, however, are non-adhesive and therefore eliminate adhesion of dyes and glues.

Maximum interchangeability

Most stirrer shafts used in laboratories are made of glass. Because all BOLA Stirrer Shafts are available with the same dimensions as stirrer shafts made of glass, they can easily replace the glass stirrer shaft with a PTFE-jacketed stirrer shaft with no changes to agitators, couplings and guiding devices.

Safe fixing

The upper end of the BOLA Stirrer Shaft is not jacketed with PTFE and can therefore be fixed safely into the agitator or the stirrer coupling. The stirrer blade is fixed tightly to the stirrer shaft and cannot be loosened by the product which may be turning after switching off the agitator.

BOLA Stirrer Shafts Are Available in the UK from Labtex

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