Pharma 5.0

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific automates the media hydration process with Oceo Rover

Published: 20-Sep-2024

The single-use technology allows biopharma manufacturers to prepare media and buffers in real-time with reduced contamination risk

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific has developed a single-use technology system to optimise the hydration of media, feeds and buffers.

According to the company, the Oceo Rover is the first of its kind, and enables biopharma manufacturers to enhance their workflows by automating the hydration process.

The system combines single-use consumables and media design services, and can be used as an alternative to current stirred tank mixing technologies. 

This allows media and buffers to be prepared in real-time, which removes the need for manufacturers to hold large volumes of liquids in cold storage.

Preparing powder media and buffers for bioprocessing purposes is labour-intensive, and can pose contamination and safety risks. 

The Oceo Rover features automation software that is simple to operate and is capable of delivering the correct volume of water to bulk powders to ensure their accurate hydration. 

The closed system design will also reduce the risk of cross-contamination and ensure a user's compliance with regulations.

FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific's Chair and CEO, Yutaka Yamaguchi, commented: “We saw a need in the market to improve the process of hydrating powdered media and buffers. Oceo Rover addresses this need by simplifying the hydration process and delivering the consistency that manufacturers need, while also saving time and costs associated with bioprocessing,” 

“The Oceo Rover system will help shape the future of single-use-technology and bioprocessing operations.”




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