New NCEs focus on cancer and orphan diseases

Published: 24-Apr-2015

The number of NCEs approved in Europe increased again in 2014, with the spotlight on cancer drugs and treatments for unmet medical needs. Dr Sarah Houlton reviews the new entrants

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Recent years have seen an increase in the number of NCEs to gain regulatory approval in Europe, and 2014 was no exception. Once again, many are treatments for different types of cancers, and a large number of orphan drugs also got the go-ahead.

Four different products designed to treat hepatitis C infection were approved. For many years treatment for HCV relied on year-long dosing of the antiviral drug ribavirin alongside an interferon, but side-effects caused by this combination are significant, and there is no guarantee that it will actually clear the virus from the bloodstream. But following on from the treatment-changing drugs that have reached the market recently, notably Gilead’s sofusbuvir (Sovaldi), other companies have been getting in on the act.

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