Qlucore launches NGS software module

Published: 6-Jun-2017

The Qlucore Omics Explorer NGS module makes it is possible for biological researchers, who may not be data analysis experts to explore NGS and data, find new answers and generate new hypotheses

Qlucore Omics Explorer is a next-generation bioinformatics software program for broad usage, well known for its friendly user interface and advanced visualisation capabilities.

RNA-seq studies are one of the most used techniques in modern genetics and cancer research, and the next-generation sequencing (NGS) module enables a comprehensive and synchronised view of both expression levels and genomic locations.

One of the main components in the NGS Module is the genome browser which, in combination with the dynamic filters, ensures the user is able to visualise the most interesting regions of the genome, minimising the need to zoom and scroll.

Qlucore is a bioinformatics visualisation software specialist. Qlucore Omics Explorer software makes it possible to interactively explore and analyse multivariate data sets, from small to very large and data generated with NGS technologies.

The new NGS Module is an add on to Qlucore Omics Explorer, consisting of an interactive genome browser and flexible and interactive filter options. One of the key features is to enable synchronisation between the expression analysis of RNA-seq data and genomic information, making researchers even more productive.

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