Wenning to become chairman of Bayer Supervisory Board on 1 October

To succeed Manfred Schneider

Bayer’s Supervisory Board will propose to the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting on 27 April that Werner Wenning be elected to join the Board on 1 October. He will succeed Manfred Schneider as chairman of the Supervisory Board as of that date. The term of office of all ten stockholder representatives on the Supervisory Board expires at the end of the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting, and elections must therefore be held. Schneider will remain a member of the Supervisory Board and its chairman until 30 September and then be succeeded by Wenning, who would join the Supervisory Board and become its chairman for the remainder of the term until 2017. Wenning was chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer from April 2002 until 30 September, 2010. The statutory ‘cooling-off period’, after which former members of a company’s board of management may join its supervisory board, ends after two years. Also nominated for election to the Supervisory Board as new stockholder representatives are Sue Rataj, a Board member of US chemicals company Cabot Corporation, and Thomas Ebeling, chief executive of ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Germany.

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