Bug-busting science targets harmful micro-organisms

Published: 16-Dec-2013

Korean researchers combine E. coli antibody with titanium oxide

Bacteria, fungi and viruses are a major source of infection and disease. But not all are harmful and ‘good’ micro-organisms are often killed indiscriminately. However, new research has revealed that scientists are making steady progress to target specific species of harmful bacteria including E. coli.

A team of researchers in the Republic of Korea have combined the Escherichia coli polyclonal antibody with titanium oxide – a catalyst with antibacterial properties – to target E. coli. The approach resulted in around 90% of the E. coli being killed in the first 15 minutes, with no significant impact on three other non-targeted bacteria measured during the process.The research, which was published in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, shows the potential of combining catalysts such as titanium oxide with bacteria-specific antibodies to fight disease and infection, without upsetting the body’s natural balance of micro-organisms.

Dr David Brown, Chief Executive of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), said: 'Titanium oxide has many remarkable properties and is already widely used by chemical engineers in products such as paint, sunscreen, food colouring and even reducing pollution. This latest research will be of great interest to many chemical engineers working in the pharmaceutical sector.

'The research also has the potential to influence public health policy in response to continuing concerns about the over-prescription of antibiotics and resistance to antibiotics by sections of the population. A more sophisticated management of harmful micro-organisms and targeted use of antibiotics could overcome some of these problems as well as improving general health.'

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