ISPE releases guide for investigational products reverse logistics

Published: 10-Sep-2021

The publication is a collection of good practices for the management of investigational product accountability, reconciliation, and return for destruction

The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) announced the release of its latest good practice guide: Investigational Medicinal Product Reverse Logistics – Good Returns and Reconciliation Practices. The publication is a collection of good practices for the management of investigational product accountability, reconciliation, and return for destruction.

It’s designed to help organisations plan and implement reverse logistics policies and processes within their investigational product supply chain organisation.

“This guide is the first collection of best practices in reverse logistics, also referred to as returns, reconciliation and destruction process, for the investigational product supply chain,” said Guide Team Member Cat Hall, VP, endpoint Clinical. “It includes steps to take to plan for and implement a successful reverse logistics process within any Investigational supply chain and outlines areas of consideration when defining reverse logistics processes within an organisation.”

This guide was developed by members of the North America Investigational Products (IP) Community of Practice.

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