Linking biological molecules to highly potent APIs

Published: 9-May-2011

Antibody-drug conjugate technology is the ‘smart bomb’ in the arsenal of weapons used to target cancer cells, says Cynthia Wooge, SAFC process development manager

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Antibody-drug conjugate technology is the ‘smart bomb’ in the arsenal of weapons used to target cancer cells, says Cynthia Wooge, SAFC process development manager

Medical researchers are arming themselves with a new series of weapons in the war against disease – conjugated drugs that link biological molecules to a highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredient (HPAPIs).

‘These bio-conjugates combine highly specific delivery of an HPAPI to cells with significantly reduced side effects compared with traditional chemotherapies,’ said Cynthia Wooge, SAFC process development manager, and a leading expert on conjugation technology.

‘Particularly exciting, is antibody-drug conjugate technology, which uses monoclonal antibodies to deliver conjugated HPAPIs to specific cancer tumors. In the conjugated form, the HPAPI exhibits

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