New moisture analyser provides peace of mind

Published: 10-May-2012

HX204 offers high measurement performance and complicance with pharmaceutical industry standards

In the pharmaceutical industry, strict standards must be followed during the manufacture of medicines. Mettler Toledo’s latest generation HX204 Moisture Analyser provides high measurement performance and compliance with industry standards. Simply visit for details.

  • Solid compliance - Fully automatic calibration technology (FACT) eliminates the need for frequent manual testing with external weights. Internal weights adjust and calibrate the balance and ensure accurate results at all times. In addition in-built LevelControl, personalised home screens, password protection and shortcuts enable fast, error-free operation.
  • Easy result tracking - Real-time drying curves and control charts enable monitoring of trends over time. Plus pass/fail decisions are simplified by establishing individual control limits for each product.
  • State-of-the-art performance - The advanced halogen heating system provides precise temperature control while a high performance MonoBloc weighing cell guarantees maximum weighing accuracy. Plus the innovative hanging weighing pan improves measurement results by eliminating adverse thermal effects on the weighing cell.

Reference substance for consistently good results

Ensure your moisture analyser provides quality results every time with the new innovative SmartCal reference substance. SmartCal enables you to carry out a quick and simple quality control check on your analyser in minutes. Visit: for your FREE sampler.

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