Newcomers join the British Pharmacopoeia Commission

The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) Commission, which is responsible for preparing the BP and the BP (Veterinary), and the Appointments Commission have appointed Graham Cook, senior director in the Global Quality and Compliance division of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Brian Matthews, currently a member of the BP Commission's Expert Advisory Group on Pharmacy to the BP Commission. The two men will take the appointments for a period of four years.

The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) Commission, which is responsible for preparing the BP and the BP (Veterinary), and the Appointments Commission have appointed Graham Cook, senior director in the Global Quality and Compliance division of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Brian Matthews, currently a member of the BP Commission's Expert Advisory Group on Pharmacy to the BP Commission. The two men will take the appointments for a period of four years.

As well as these newcomers, the BP Commission has re-appointed David Woolfson as chairman for a further four-year term.

The following members have also been re-appointed, for periods of two or four years: G Buckton; D Cairns; B Capon; A G Davidson; T D Duffy; C T Goddard; R L Horder; L Tsang; J Turnbull and E Williamson.

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