Having developed an HPLC instrument technique for the determination of Ninhydrin-Positive Substances (NPS) back in 2015 to replace the traditional Thin Layer Chromatography method, our laboratories have now completed the commissioning of a dedicated Hitachi LA8080 High-Speed Amino Acid Analyser.
This upgrade equips our lab with a faster and more reliable system for the determination of ninhydrin-positive substances (including ammonium) in amino acid, pharmaceutical and biological samples; helping to ensure that we can meet the increasing needs of our clients.
Furthermore, the use of OpenLab II Chromatography Data System Workstation Plus for instrument control and data processing further strengthens the laboratory’s compliance to data integrity requirements.
The instrument is capable of detecting a range of ninhydrin-positive substances including, but not limited to:

During the upgrade we had to temporarily suspend this testing, but we are pleased to report that a new and improved service is now available.
For more information on our NPS – Amino Acid Analysis analysis, please use our Enquiry Form or Quotation Request Form