Quality training yields quality results

Published: 13-Jan-2016

Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements is designed to help Brookfield Viscometer users comprehend the functionality of their instrument

Brookfield Engineering, the world standard for viscosity measurement and control, offers its Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements. This popular course is designed to help Brookfield Viscometer users comprehend the functionality of their instrument, solve the mysteries of fluid behaviour and rheology, and create successful and repeatable viscosity test methods for use in both R&D and QA/QC environments. Consistent measurement is vital in the success of any product and understanding viscosity is a key part to maintaining quality control.

The course is offered at Brookfield’s headquarters in Middleboro, MA and at major cities across the US. Space is limited and customers are encouraged to sign up early. An advanced course, Lab Day/Advanced Viscosity Test Methods is an on-demand course covering more advanced viscosity topics utilising sample testing.

Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements is Brookfield’s most popular course. A one-day course designed to help you get the most out of your Brookfield Viscometer and Rheometer measurements by providing you with information, activities and techniques that you can easily understand and immediately put to practical use. Discussion topics include how to pick a spindle/speed combination, methodology, rheology, calibration and verification checks. It is designed for beginner to intermediate users.

Lab Day/Advanced Viscosity Test Methods is an on-demand, one-day, advanced course that focuses on the customer’s interests, formulations and processing problems. Designed for intermediate to advanced users, the course covers viscosity and related rheological measurements, including yield stress, shear rate ramps, viscosity vs temperature profiles, creep and viscoelastic behaviour.

For course information and registration or to schedule an on-demand class either at your facility or at our Middleboro location, visit www.brookfieldengineering.com/services/educational-programs or call +1 508 946 6200.

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