Samsung Biologics debuts a series of monoclonal antibody development platforms

Published: 26-Sep-2024

These solutions aim to optimise the efficacy of monoclonal antibody therapies, while also minimising the presence of charged variants

Samsung Biologics has launched two antibody development platforms which are designed to enhance the safety and efficacy of monoclonal antibody therapies.

The first is S-AfuCHOTM — a cell line platform that has the ability to generate afucosylated antibodies that exhibit enhanced antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxity (ADCC) activity.

By removing the core fucose group from the the antibody, it's core functionality is positively altered, allowing it to have a more pronounced ADCC effect when used as a therapeutic. 

This type of cell line, according to Samsung Biologics, can achieve better efficacy while retaining the desired titers, stability and product quality. 

As well as S-AfuCHOTM, Samsung Biologics has developed S-OptiCharge, an upstream process platform that can modulate a molecule's charge variant distribution. 

The company claims that modifications can occur at any stage of the manufacturing process, while minimising charged variants, which can be considered contaminants.

S-OptiCharge ensures a high product quality while also promoting optimal charge variant distribution. 

CDO at Samsung Biologics, Jahoon Kang, commented: “Our new platforms are expected to provide clients with high-performing solutions for their molecules to reduce risks and support successful development,” 

“We will continue to develop innovative solutions to proactively address the evolving needs of our clients and meet increased demand for complex and high-concentration biopharmaceuticals.”

[Image credit: Laura Bartlett, National Cancer Institute]

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