The Manufacturing Chemist anticounterfeiting roundtable: part II

Published: 16-Nov-2017

In the second part of a two-part roundtable, Manufacturing Chemist speaks to a group of industry leaders about the additional benefits that can be achieved through serialisation beyond compliance and what comprehensive track and trace regulations, including aggregation, could mean for the future of the industry

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Serialisation presents a huge challenge for pharmaceutical companies and their contract partners. The complexities associated with developing and implementing a solution across multiple lines, supplying to multiple markets and then managing the huge amounts of data generated as a result of serialisation are vast.

However, well prepared companies that are ready for the US and European regulatory deadlines ahead of time are increasingly realising that there are additional business benefits to be gained from serialisation and the end-to-end supply chain visibility it could potentially offer. Many companies are suggesting that serialisation and track and trace regulations could have wider business benefits beyond compliance. Have you found this to be true and, if so, how?

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