RSSL leads the way at Making Pharmaceuticals Europe

Published: 19-Feb-2018

Reading Scientific Services Limited (RSSL), provider of analysis, training and consultancy solutions to the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and healthcare industries will be attending Making Pharmaceuticals Europe Conference 2018

The event at the Brussels Expo Centre on 13 - 14 March 2018 offers free attendance to the conference and exhibition.

RSSL’s Technical Experts, will be delivering presentations on:

Faking Pharmaceuticals – 13 March at 9:50 – speaker Rene Friedrichs - Technical Specialist, Microscopy Laboratory

Setting Thresholds in Extractables and Leachable Studies – 13 March at 14.40 – speaker Daniel Nicolau - Technical Specialist, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory

Elemental Impurities: The First 100 Days – 14 March at 11.50 – speaker Alan Cross - Technical Specialist, Metals Laboratory

Shedding Light on Macromolecule Characterisation – 14 March at 14.20 – speaker Ross Blezard – Technical Specialist, Physical Sciences Laboratory

To prearrange a meeting with RSSL's technical experts please get in touch with the team or alternatively visit the RSSL Team on Stand 332.

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